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There is an approach to Gutulia National Park next to Gutulisjøen lake in Engerdal. Here, you can access valuable information before visiting Gutulia.


Nasjonalparkstyret for Femundsmarka og Gutulia
Statsforvalteren i Trøndelag
Postboks 4710, Sluppen
N-7468 Trondheim
E: sftlpost@statsforvalteren.no



Persons hiking Gutulia.
Woman hiking near Gutulisjøen.

Gutulisjøen lake

The approach is located next to Gutulisjøen lake. This area has been adapted with parking spaces and information signs, as well as benches and places to have a campfire. From the parking lot at Gutulisjøen lake, there is a 3 km walk along a nature trail into the national park and Gutulisetra.


There is an exhibition at Stallen that provides valuable information about Gutulia National Park.

Exhibition at Stallen.