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The Visitor Center

Why are dead trees full of life? Why is the Southern Sámi culture dependent on domesticated reindeer? And how old is the old forest? Visitors can get answers to these questions and many more at the Visitor Center.


Nasjonalparkstyret for Femundsmarka og Gutulia
Statsforvalteren i Trøndelag
Postboks 4710, Sluppen
N-7468 Trondheim
E: sftlpost@statsforvalteren.no



Old forest.

Femundsmarka National Park Visitor Center

In the small hamlet of Elgå, in Engerdal municipality, you will find the Femundsmarka and Gutulia National Park Visitor Center. Elgå is the southern approach to Femundsmarka National Park as well as the port of call for the Fæmund II ferry service. On the way here, you also drive past Gutulia – Norway’s smallest national park. Our staff can help you with tips and advice on which local attractions you should visit, and can point out many great hiking destinations in the local area.

The Visitor Center
Besøkssenter, museum


At the exhibition, you can learn more about Femundsmarka and Gutulia by immersing yourself in local history, wildlife and Southern Sámi reindeer husbandry. Outside, visitors can follow an adventure trail that leads down to the pier and Fæmund II, or you can frolic between the trees in the natural playground. Admission to the center is free of charge, though you need a ticket to visit the exhibition.


All teaching at the visitor center is free of charge for kindergartens and school classes. We can help you put together a plan that suits your needs. Relevant topics are primeval forests, ancient forests and the wilderness, as well as considerate outdoor life. Get in touch to hear about coming to the Visitor Center, or to book our nature guide to visit your school.

Gruppe mennesker lærer

 Adress Visitor Center

Adress: Femundveien 3633, 2446 Elgå  (åpnes i Google maps)

Opening hours

We are open
February 10th until March 2nd, from 10 AM until 4 PM
April 12th until 20th, from 10 AM until 4 PM




Contact us

E-mail: besokssenter@femundsmarka.no

Tel.: +47 901 45 907

The staff

May Britt Trydal

Ida Margrethe Hybertz Brennodden
Nature guide
